Way back in the folds of time – well, about 15 years ago, ITV made the dubious move of serialising ‘Illkillya’, a £200 blockbuster Kung Fu Spoof set in the Peoples Republic of Yorkshire that I was partly responsible for .
Bingo! we thought, and then Oh! – We’d plastered it with commercial music. As a seasoned frontman of seminal 80s beat outfits like “The 3 Aviators”, “Scrambled Dregs” and “Diverse Oscillation”, I thought I might have the chops to write the entire score in a week.
Out came the trusty Atari, Cubase, and traditional instruments like The Casio Rapman
Since those salad days I’ve bought more gear (of a musical variety), gained lots more experience and written commercially in a huge variety of styles for shows on all the major UK broadcasters as well as overseas.